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    Lender Consulting Services

    Our Insurance Risk evaluations review the borrower’s existing coverages and limits against the industry standards, GSE seller/servicer requirements and rating agency criteria including:

    • Insurance Carrier Financial Strength
    • Special cause of loss form (“all risk”)
    • Lender as additional insured & notification of cancellation provision
    • Flood (zone determination & coverage compliance)
    • Windstorm
    • Earthquake (seismic zone 3 & 4)
    • Environmental/ Pollution Liability (Post Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment review)
    • Boiler & Machinery Business Income/ Extra Expense (loss of rents)
    • Casualty Coverage Review: commercial general liability, umbrella, and workers compensation compliance.
    • Terrorism
    • Verification of Premium Payment

    If necessary, we work directly with the borrower and/or their insurance broker to broaden coverages or limits to acceptable levels prior to closing.

    Upon completion of our due diligence review, we provide the lender a detailed summary of insurance and copies of pertinent insurance documents collected during our review including binders, copies of insurance policies, and endorsements.

    Consulting Across All Property Segments:

    • Multifamily (including Section 232)
    • Office
    • Industrial
    • Retail
    • Hotel & Hospitality
    • Mixed Use
    • Specialty Purpose (ex. Greenhouse)
    • Self Storage

    Consulting Across All Loan Types:

    • Balance Sheet
    • Syndication
    • Securitization
    • Agency